Three BIG Ideas for President Trump

Brian P. Christie Brian P. Christie
Posted at 2/14/2017

Like most Americans, I didn’t vote for President Trump. But while we have too many differences to enumerate, as a fellow entrepreneur, he shows a willingness to slaughter sacred cows formed by norms and traditions, likely thanks to his own lifelong experience as an entrepreneur and innovator.

In 2014, I met face-to-face with President Obama (along with other entrepreneurs) to share ...more

Categories: General

What's that? FREE calls on a paid Expert Calling Network (ECN) platform?

Brian P. Christie Brian P. Christie
Posted at 12/1/2016

When we told our Brainsy clients that we planned to release "SixFree Calling" - a new feature on the Expert Calling Network (ECN) platform to allow experts to make themselves available for short, time-limited, FREE phone calls, they applauded. What is SixFree calling you might ask and why would people who want to get paid for calls offer up their time for free?

A “SixFree” call is an ...more

Categories: General

ECNs = Win-win-win for Associations and their Members

Open ECN Sponsor Open ECN Sponsor
Posted at 9/29/2016

As technology tools continue to rapidly evolve, the opportunity for Associations and Professional Societies to better serve their members in ways never before comprehended are emerging. Expert Calling Networks, or ECNs, provide an innovative new platform for Associations to drive greater member engagement through both member > member but more importantly member > non-member transactional c...more

Categories: General

Spacecraft Systems Engineering

Paul B. Huter Paul B. Huter
Posted at 9/20/2016

Spacecraft Engineering, unlike any other form of engineering, is one which is most effectively practiced with a knowledge of Systems Engineering. The objects that humans have sent beyond the bounds of Earth’s gravity are the most complicated pieces of engineering ever dreamt up, designed, developed, built, and flown. These objects have carried people to the Moon and allow mankind to carry out sc...more

Categories: General

What Is a Rocket Scientist?

Paul B. Huter Paul B. Huter
Posted at 9/19/2016

What is an engineer? More specifically, what is an aeroSPACE engineer? Most people call them "rocket scientists". People love to say things like "It's not rocket science!" to indicate that something is not complicated or hard. But is engineering or "rocket science" really all that difficult? Do people know what it means to be someone that has a true passion for shoo...more

Categories: General

Networking in the 21st Century (by Steven Burda)

Steven Burda Steven Burda
Posted at 6/9/2016

Networking. It’s an integral component of having a successful career. Most professionals recognize this, but few proactively work on expanding and cultivating their professional networks. Luckily, networking is easier than ever before thanks to the new technologies of the digital age. Unfortunately, all of the new opportunities comes with a new set of rules to follow.

Different ways to expand y...more

Categories: General

Don’t Get Mind Melded, Monetize!

Tom McKeown Tom McKeown
Posted at 6/1/2016

Even if you aren’t a geek like me, it hard to have lived in any of the past five decades without picking up some of the notable phrases that came from Star Trek. “Bean me up Scottie”, “Warp Speed”, and “Phasers on stun”, are all part of our global lexicon. One of my favorites though was the Vulcan “Mind Meld”. This was when First Officer Spock ...more

Categories: General
Sponsored by: Brainsy, Inc.

What am I worth? (by Brian P. Christie)

Brian P. Christie Brian P. Christie
Posted at 4/22/2016

The world is evolving away from agricultural-intensive economies and labor-intensive economies, and we are in transition to a global "knowledge economy” whereby knowledge and expertise are the primary drivers of tangible and intangible value.

But until recently, it has been mostly infeasible to consume small bits of knowledge held by others, that is, to contract with another person for a on...more

Categories: General