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My name is Steven Burda, and I am the Most Connected Person on Linkedin, and a social media expert.
In addition to that, I have my MBA and Post-MBA, I have over 12 years of professional experience in Fortune 500 companies, in the fields of finance, operations, accounting, supply chain management, strategy, business development, etc.
Holding the title as The Most Connected Person on Linkedin, I am a highly sought-after Marketing, PR and Digital Strategist, bringing a clear business approach to digital and social strategies. I consult with a specialization in social media marketing, LinkedIn Growth Strategies, Expert Calling Network (ECN) User Tips, personal branding, and the use of social media for purposeful networking and building quality relationships. I also help companies from around the world find the fastest path to their target market today.
I have helped clients generate thousands of inbound appointments with entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives from start-ups to large companies. I work best with companies and individuals who:
- have a unique and compelling offer;
- are in the business to business market;
- are clear on who their target market is;
- are selling a high-ticket item that requires a relationship with a key decision maker;
• Social Media Marketing
• Social Marketing Fulfillment
• Understanding Social
Media ROI
• Social Media Lead Generation
• Social Media & Strategic Alliances
• Social Networks & Joint Ventures
• Sports Social
• Event Marketing & Promotion
• Online/Offline Marketing
• LinkedIn Growth Strategies
• Internet Marketing
• Building Teams through Social
• Automated Lead Generation & Online Marketing
• Internet Marketing
See Linkedin Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/burda | www.sburda.com
June 2003 - present
See Linkedin Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/burda | www.sburda.com
St. Joseph's University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
2004 - 2006
MBA from SJU
Temple University
Bachelor's Degree
1999 - 2003
BBA - Temple University
Villanova University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
2006 - 2007
Post-MBA from Villanova University
English Russian French Ukrainian
Volunteering: See www.linkedin.com/in/burda
January - January
Hello, and thank you for a great question.
Simply put, Linkedin disabled and removed accounts for all superconnectors (those who have over 100,000+ first level connections, I had over 160,000+ first level Linkedin connections) for no reason. What? How? Why? Yes, you read it right. For no legitimate reason, other than seeing us, the superconnectors, as some influencers that grew too fast, too big, and they are afraid of us "taking over" part of the network. No, it's not a conspiricy theory, they (Linkedin) views me, and others like me, as a 'hub' where anyone in our network can reach anyone else -- without a need for InMail or premium service. As such, would not have a need to subscribe to Linkedin highly-priced premium services. By unilaterally restricting and removing me, and other superconnectors, Linkedin now can get more (potential) revenue from others. Many emails to Linkedin later, no response nor any answer was given. Linkedin is silent and mum on this subject... and I know that I did not violate any terms of service or user agreements, as neither did other superconnectors.
I have build my network since APril 2006, for more than 10 years, and was very active on it until the day in June 2016 it went 'poof' - gone from Linkedin! I am working to get it back. Perhaps you can also help me?
To learn more, see this:
Steven Burda
P.S. I hope to be back at www.linkedin.com/in/burda
What advice would you give to LinkedIn executives on how they could improve the company's direction?
LinkedIn stock has declined 50% this year (2016) and just about every major research firm has downgraded LNKD stock over the last few months. Some say LinkedIn doesn't do a good job of listening to their customers. Others think it is the beginning of the end and that Facebook or other social media upstarts are going to eat LinkedIn's lunch. What advice would you give to LinkedIn executives on how they could improve the company's direction?
Linkedin executvies MUST listen to their customers, their paid and "free" subscribers. They must understand the ever-changing need of the platform, the needs and desires of the customers/professionals and the competative marketplace. They should not be focused on stock performance, buy quality of the platform and user-experience performace first, and primarily. Ignoring your best customer will have financial downfall down the road. I do not think Linkedin will fail or has competition at this stage, but there must be changes made in the leadership circles and the way customer service is handles in most prized asset: YOU and me and every Linkedin member.
Job/contract opportunities, meeting new people, learning of new products and services, partnership opportunities, features/articles/publications, media exposure, speaking engagements, and the list goes on and on...
Teh secret? ONE person at a time. I grew my network from 0 to nearly 150,000 direct connections, by simply taking the time for that ONE connection, ONE person, ONE contact. The benefits are tremendous, from job offers, from partnership requests, from speaking engagements, from publications, from other new OPPORTUNITIES where I am selective in whom I am dealing with, how, when and why. Try it. You will see only great and possitive results.
Keep on trying different ways of getting the information to your target audience. Stay current and up-to-date on latest industry trends. Do publish new content (or version of new content) to your audience. There is much to say about WHAT you are doing, WHY are you doing it, HOW are you doing it, WHERE are you doing it, etc. And... relate to your audience, tell a story, be with them!
What is the one advantage social media marketing has over any other type of marketing and how can we take advantage of it?
I understand that millions of people use social media, but how do I attract to my page, how do I target the right crowd?
You have to know your target audience.
Not every message or involvement needs a specific platform. There's a target audience for people who use Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. Find out what YOUR customers/clients/potential associates or business partners use (the most) and target your social media marketing via those channels. To attract to your page - do not spam - but have a mailing list, psot relevant content, inform and educate yoiur taget audience. Never try to sell, but do raise awareness of what you do and why you or your product is premier! -- and the customer will come to you.
What other entrepreneurial pursuits have you been involved with outside of social media?
Hi Steven - thanks for participating in the AMA. You have quite the entrepreneurial spirit as evidenced by your novel use of social media. What other entrepreneurial pursuits have you been involved with outside of social media?
Outside of social media, I've been involved in consulting assignmens in the area of finance, operations, strategy, supply chain manegement, business analytics and intelligence -- and even politics! Most people who know me can attest that I am a well-rounded guy, and I do have a vast experience, interest and energy. However, social media is my passion and also one of the favorite entrepreneurial pursuits.
What are some little know tips about using LinkedIn?
Your network is so impressive, and I want to build mine using LinkedIn as well! The problem is that I've filled out all the required information but still feel like I need more.
Have your profile to be more visible and credible: have it completed at 100%, with as many relevant keywords about yourself, your job, or company as you can -- and have a great professional photo. Also, stay active and publish relevant "Linkedin Pulse" articles on subjects that you know, expert or passionate about. Stay active and engaging.
In addition to meeting, speaking and interacting with HIGH QUALITY people (CEOs, Authors, Celebrities, VIPs), I also get recognition in being published, and/or invited to speak or present on the subject of my passion and expertise: social media and Linkedin/PR/Marketing. Being "Most Connected" surely helps to get that recognition.
Thank you.
Not all 100% of them, but I do take the time to get to know the people in my network (if I already do not know them or interacted with them).
Be it 5, 10, or 15 people a week: by ECN, phone, Skype, or meeting in person -- that's how I engage with them.
Sometime, I too have to be selective who I give my valuable time to, and that takes effort to. But I manage well.