What advice would you give to LinkedIn executives on how they could improve the company's direction?
Linkedin executvies MUST listen to their customers, their paid and "free" subscribers. They must understand the ever-changing need of the platform, the needs and desires of the customers/professionals and the competative marketplace. They should not be focused on stock performance, buy quality of the platform and user-experience performace first, and primarily. Ignoring your best customer will have financial downfall down the road. I do not think Linkedin will fail or has competition at this stage, but there must be changes made in the leadership circles and the way customer service is handles in most prized asset: YOU and me and every Linkedin member.
What advice would you give to LinkedIn executives on how they could improve the company's direction?
LinkedIn stock has declined 50% this year (2016) and just about every major research firm has downgraded LNKD stock over the last few months. Some say LinkedIn doesn't do a good job of listening to their customers. Others think it is the beginning of the end and that Facebook or other social media upstarts are going to eat LinkedIn's lunch. What advice would you give to LinkedIn executives on how they could improve the company's direction?
Linkedin executvies MUST listen to their customers, their paid and "free" subscribers. They must understand the ever-changing need of the platform, the needs and desires of the customers/professionals and the competative marketplace. They should not be focused on stock performance, buy quality of the platform and user-experience performace first, and primarily. Ignoring your best customer will have financial downfall down the road. I do not think Linkedin will fail or has competition at this stage, but there must be changes made in the leadership circles and the way customer service is handles in most prized asset: YOU and me and every Linkedin member.