Your Social Media Networking Trifecta

Brian P. Christie Brian P. Christie
Posted at 10/12/2015

Bet on the professional's social media networking platform that will pay off for your business. 

If you’re an independent consultant, advisor, or other professional service provider, it’s necessary to have a social media presence but the number of possible platforms grows daily.  For business professionals, you need to make a bet on the best tools where you can get the most marketing ...more

Categories: General

Why I’d Never Connect to Charlotte Proudman on LinkedIn (and possibly you too)

Brian P. Christie Brian P. Christie
Posted at 9/14/2015

A media storm has erupted surrounding the story of 27-year-old British Barrister, Charlotte Proudman, who asked senior solicitor Alexander Carter-Silk (aged 57) to connect on LinkedIn. He replied by commenting on her “stunning picture” and awarded her “the best LinkedIn picture I have ever seen.” She replied to tell him she considered his response “unacceptable and misogynistic behavior” and the...more

Categories: General
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