DC Inno recently covered Expert Calling Network's (ECN) by Brainsy.

[Part of the Brainsy team / Credit: courtesy of co.]
Some of the notable quotes:
“Our white-label business model creates a triple win scenario whereby these organizations, their members and Brainsy can all work together to unleash the knowledge in these human networks and make it more accessible to consumers. At the same time, each party is compensated for their participation,” Christie told DC Inno.
He added, “that’s where our ECN technology comes in. Experts and freelancers can combine a social media presence with a Brainsy ECN account to get paid for offering direct, one-on-one, access” via phone.
*** I never respond to LinkedIn InMail, but I always respond to ECN requests. ***
I often receive requests from people who want to learn more about our approach for helping established companies fund and commercialize their technologies. I am delighted to spend time discussing your ideas with you, but I have TWO RULES:
1) You must request a call using this ECN service.
2) I will donate 100% of proceeds from these calls to charity.
A snap shot of his LinkedIn profile is here:
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