Hi Chris, thank you for doing this AMA. In your profile, you mentioned that you began your career with Goldman Sachs. Was the experience with them beneficial to what you had been working or currently working on now ? If yes, how so?
I think you might have answered your own question, the operative concept being “Structure.” Start-ups do not have this by the vary nature of what they are. I think for one to think about working for a start-up, they have to enjoy unstructured environments. Ultimately what you learn is how to create processes, systems, products at scale. Conversely a large company, like a Goldman Sachs is a great training ground before you venture into the start-up world b/c you can now have a skillset to add (so you are a structure enabling element). Thanks for asking.
Hi Chris, thank you for doing this AMA. In your profile, you mentioned that you began your career with Goldman Sachs. Was the experience with them beneficial to what you had been working or currently working on now ? If yes, how so?
If you can and have the time, I would also love to hear about your experience working there and how you began your career with Goldman.
I think you might have answered your own question, the operative concept being “Structure.” Start-ups do not have this by the vary nature of what they are. I think for one to think about working for a start-up, they have to enjoy unstructured environments. Ultimately what you learn is how to create processes, systems, products at scale. Conversely a large company, like a Goldman Sachs is a great training ground before you venture into the start-up world b/c you can now have a skillset to add (so you are a structure enabling element). Thanks for asking.
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