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- Mickie Rops
Mickie Rops
President and Principal Consultant
Mickie Rops Consulting LLC
As president and principal consultant of Mickie Rops Consulting LLC, I guide organizations in making the right credentialing decisions.
credentialing certification certificate certificate program standards microcredentialing micro-credentialing
As president and principal consultant of Mickie Rops Consulting LLC, I guide organizations in making the right credentialing decisions. Much of my consulting work is in conducting organizational and programmatic audits for associations to determine recommendations for improvement to their standards and credentialing programs. I also educate organizations on credentialing options and guide them in the decision as to which standards and/or credentialing, if any, is the right fit for the challenges they face.
President and Principal Consultant
Mickir Rops Consulting LLC
January 1997 - present
Provide guidance to associations and credentialing bodies regarding professional development and credentialing programs (certification, accreditation, standards, certificates, microcredentials, digital badges), including:
- Education / strategy of credentialing industry trends and credentialing program options to address organizational and industry challenges
- Market research to determine the viability and positioning of a new standards and credentialing program
- Audits of credentialing programs for conformance to industry standards and best practices
- Design or redesign of standards and credentialing programs
- Practice analyses to identify the body of knowledge, competencies or standards for a profession or role
- Staff and leader training/education regarding standards and credentialing terminology, options and issues
- Research reports / white papers
Assessor, Auditor and Workshop Leader (as consultant)
American National Standards Institute
January 2005 - present
One of 20 U.S. assessors that assess compliance of certification bodies to the international standard ISO/IEC 17024 and ANSI accreditation requirements through document review, onsite visits and follow-up citation management.
One of 8 U.S. auditors that audit for compliance of standards development organizations to the ANSI Essential Requirements through document review, teleconference interviews and formal reporting.
Instructor of ANSI’s training workshops on the ASTM E2659 Standard Practice for Certificate Programs and ANSI’s Certificate Accreditation Program.
Director, Professional Assessment and Development
Commission on Dietetic Registration
January 1993 - January 1997
Directed Commission professional assessment and development activities, including:
- start-up and administration of three specialty certification programs (branched simulation assessment) and one advanced level fellow certification (portfolio assessment)
- development and administration of a series of twelve self-assessment modules (9 multiple choice assessment and 3 patient management branched simulation – latent image)
- design and administration of the nationally centralized database of dietetics continuing education activities
- review/approval and tracking of over 6,000 continuing education courses annually
- redesign of CDR's recertification system from mandatory continuing education to a reflective portfolio model
Developed and monitored $1.2 million budget. Supervised and directed activities of 2 professional staff, 4 member panels, and over 60 subject matter experts annually.
Manager of Continuing Education
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
January 1991 - January 1993
Coordinated selection, development, and implementation of educational programming for the 75,000 member national association. Wrote and edited program-related copy for marketing educational programs, including brochures, preliminary program, program book, professional journals, and newsletters. Coordinated and marketed national conference job placement service. Developed and enhanced procedures, letters, forms, and manuals for: educational programming, abstract review process, volunteer host program, and national conference job placement service. Developed and monitored $400,000 budget. Supervised and directed activities of 2 staff, 250 member abstract reviewers, 450 national conference volunteers, and 12 volunteer committee members annually.